Table of Contents
Front Matter
Front matter
Exploring EFL students motivation in essay writing through writing beliefs, self-efficacy, and attitudes: a case from Papua, Indonesia
DOI : 10.23971/jefl.v13i1.4561
Abel Yohanis Romrome, Concilianus Laos Mbato
“I can’t search on Google for answers”: validity evidence of a developed computer-based assessment application
DOI : 10.23971/jefl.v13i1.4496
Elok Putri Nimasari, Rohfin Andria Gestanti, Khoiru Nurfitri
Exploring students’ perspectives on using live streaming on Facebook as project-based learning in Indonesian EFL classes
DOI : 10.23971/jefl.v13i1.4571
Faidah Yusuf, Ameer Ali
The role of self-regulated learning on foreign vocabulary learning: a multi-case study
DOI : 10.23971/jefl.v13i1.5238
Baihaqi Zakaria Muslim, Moh. Arif Mahbub
Combination of photos, definitions, and fill-in-the-blank tasks in Quizlet: a concern about learning academic vocabulary in online listening classes
DOI : 10.23971/jefl.v13i1.5239
Tien Thinh Vu, Diem Bich Huyen Bui
Speech intelligibility of English spoken by Indonesian and Taiwanese speakers and judged by Taiwanese listeners: application of TOCS+ automatic software
DOI : 10.23971/jefl.v13i1.4179
Windiahsari Windiahsari, Li-Mei Chen
Assessing students’ writing skills in virtual classroom: strategies and challenges in EFL context
DOI : 10.23971/jefl.v13i1.5288
Gusti Putu Rustika Dewi, Made Hery Santosa, Ni Luh Putu Eka Sulistia Dewi, Putu Kerti Nitiasih
EFL students’ preferences on metacognitive reading strategies within an extensive reading program
DOI : 10.23971/jefl.v13i1.5640
Keke Febrian Harimurti, Yazid Basthomi, Evynurul Laily Zen
English teachers oft-cited barriers and strategies to overcome the barriers in online assessment: the case of senior and vocational high schools in Indonesia
DOI : 10.23971/jefl.v13i1.5711
Nanda Pambudi, Dyah Setyowati Ciptaningrum
Islamic junior high school students’ English proficiency test scores and their L2 motivational self-system: a correlational study
DOI : 10.23971/jefl.v13i1.5046
Andri Jamaul Rifiyani, Mutmainnah Mustofa, M. Faruq Ubaidillah, Huan Yik Lee, Suatmo Pantja Putra
The cultural content and intercultural communicative competence in the global and local textbooks used in Indonesian EFL classes
DOI : 10.23971/jefl.v13i1.6061
Noni Agustina, Nila Kencana
Multimodal digital extensive reading program: a reflection on literacy movement in madrasah and pesantren
DOI : 10.23971/jefl.v13i1.6059
Khoiriyah Khoiriyah, Ach. Faridul Ilmi
Promoting learner autonomy through EFL textbook: the textbook facilitation and the students and teachers perceptions
DOI : 10.23971/jefl.v13i1.6056
M. Ibnu Mustofa, Yanty Wirza
Program evaluation of English language learning for EYL curriculum development in Indonesia: teachers perception, challenges, and expectation
DOI : 10.23971/jefl.v13i1.6068
Metty Agustine Primary, Emi Emilia, Didi Sukyadi
Interlanguage syntactic temporary, permanent, and fossilized errors in second language writing
DOI : 10.23971/jefl.v13i1.6090
Andi Rustandi, R. Bunga Febriani, Maria Teresa Asistido, Syafryadin Syafryadin
Back Matter
Back matter