
Issue Title
Vol 13, No 2 (2023) The Maqashid Sharia Construction on Inheritance in Dayak Ngaju Customs within the Tumbang Anoi Agreement Abstract  PDF
Syaikhu Syaikhu, Fahmi Hamdi, Sabarudin Ahmad, Reza Noor Ihsan, Muhammad Zidni Husain
Vol 13, No 2 (2023) Academic Freedom of Expression in Indonesia: A Maqashid Sharia Notes Abstract  PDF
Sholahuddin Al-Fatih, Zaka Firma Aditya, Abdul Basid Fuadi, Muhammad Nur
Vol 13, No 2 (2023) Maqashid Sharia Progressive: Anatomical and Transformational of Halal Institutions in UIN KHAS Jember Abstract  PDF
Syafril Wicaksono, M. Khoirul Hadi Al-Asy'ari, Elisa Dourothun Nafis El-Adibah, Iffahasanah Iffahasanah
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