Journal title | Muallimun : Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan dan Keguruan IAIN Palangka Raya |
Initials | Muallimun |
Grade | - |
Frequency | Two issues per year (January and June) |
Online ISSN | 2775-6858 |
Print ISSN | 2776-7728 |
Editor-in-chief | Sri Hidayati |
([email protected]) | |
Managing Editor | Setria Utama Rizal |
([email protected]) | |
Citation Analysis | Google Scholar | SINTA | Scopus Citedness | Dimensions |
Acceptance Ratio | 24% |
Journal Muallimun (E-ISSN 2775-6858, P-ISSN 2776-7728)
Muallimun Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan dan Keguruan is a scientific journal of Islamic education managed and published by Tarbiyah Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, IAIN Palangka Raya. This journal publishes research articles about Islamic education and education in general. It covers articles in the fields of Islamic Education, Islamic Education Management, Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education, Early Childhood Islamic Education, Education and Teacher Training, Outside School Education, Curriculum Development, Science Education, Social Studies Education, Basic Education, Educational Management, Counseling Guidance, Learning Evaluation, Learning Strategies, Learning Models and Methods, Educational Psychology, and Learning Media.

Vol 4, No 2 (2024): MUALLIMUN
Table of Contents
Muh. Sulaiman Rifai Aprianus Rifai Mukin, Saiful Amien
Sudarjo Abd Hamid
Alfin Julianto, Nelda Sari Siregar, Kanti Aldino Hadi
Mazrur Mazrur, Setria Utama Rizal, Muhammad Syabrina
Muhammad Nasir, Rizky Noor Adawiyah, Bella Indriati Wulansari